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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

You can vote for an existing idea or add your own. When adding a new idea, please include:
  1. Description of the feature or area of product
  2. Why this is valuable to you
  3. If possible, any images or screenshots that help us understand your request
  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
We look forward to hearing from you!
—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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113 results found


    These three fonts have the same XUID. They may not print correctly.
    Not only these, but XUIDs should be removed from all fonts released through Adobe Fonts.


    これらに限らず、Adobe Fontsを通じてリリースされたすべてのフォントからXUIDを削除する必要があります。

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    completed  ·  5 comments  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  2. I'll search a typeface name I know for sure is in the library (ex sweet sans) and it won't return as a result. instead all I get is font packs or designers. assuming this is a bug/accident. please fix!

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  3. An error occurred while trying to add all fonts. Some fonts may not be added.
    I've restarted my device and signed out of all accounts. Still getting this message when I try to download fonts.

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    completed  ·  Ivan Bettger responded

    Font services are back working as expected. Apologies to everyone who was impacted by this outage. 

  4. Azo Sans - issue with Cyrillic in some styles

    Dear Adobe, yesterday I noticed an issue with the Cyrillic set in some of the font styles in the AzoSans family. Everything was ok before.
    I contacted the font designer (Rui Abreu), who said that most likely there was an update of the font files in the Adobe Fonts library and the family included older fonts that did not have Cyrillic. I kindly ask you to check this issue and fix it if you have the time. This is critically important to me because Old Lion Publishing House, where I work,…

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  5. Your font identification system is incredibly deceiving...actually, pathetic! I upload an image of a bold serif font (a clear picture) and your font identification gives me a long list of sans serifs...not a single serif font. Come on Adobe! Do better.

    I would suggest looking at MyFonts – what the font?

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  6. Hello!

    I would like to suggest an improvement to Adobe Fonts regarding usability and navigation to organize and manage already downloaded fonts.

    Currently within the creative cloud application there is no option to search for downloaded fonts by name, there are no search filters, nor even a thumbnail preview of the fonts, in order to find the font more easily.

    On the Adobe Fonts website there is no page with the list of fonts already downloaded that are being used in the Adobe applications installed on our computer.

    The experience of locating a font within the Creative Cloud application is…

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  7. Why can't we choose custom text when searching for fonts? I don't want to see how quick brown fox looks.

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  8. Naast mediëval cijfers zou ik graag ook normale / kapitale cijfers willen zien binnen het lettertypeaanbod van Brando en Brando Sans.

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  9. Please make it so the recommended fonts also pull from the "sample text" box. I am typically trying to match a font and it just saying Champagne Sorbet is not helpful. Especially when I need to click into each individual font and change the sample text for each font.

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  10. The dollar symbol for lower weights (500 or less) in the Gibson font family has a glitch. Can confirm this on web font version, not sure if it also happens on the desktop version. See screenshot below.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  11. The Capital "A" for Roboto Black doesn't work. It's like it doesn't exist. I have no idea how to fix this. Any suggestions?

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    completed  ·  3 comments  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  12. Hello,

    I’d like to report an issue with the web embedding functionality for the Scotch Display Italic font.

    There are no problems when using the font in Photoshop after adding it. However, as shown in the attached screenshot, when the font is added to a web project, the default Italic font is incorrectly displayed with a font-style of normal instead of italic. Additionally, the sample text also appears in a normal style rather than italic.

    When attempting to use this font on an actual webpage after adding it to the project, the font fails to load correctly. I am trying…

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  13. We're trying to load web project into a website to use fonts.
    We discovered that Adobe is blocking the IP-range starting with 128.140..
    Our ISP stated that the IP-range or IP-address is falsely marked as an IP from Iran.

    Me (and some other users, see are running into this issue when trying to load the web project from Adobe Fonts.

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  14. Cabrito Sans font preview shows italic style instead of normal

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  15. 2 votes

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  16. Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN demeure introuvable lorsqu'on la cherche avec son nom, que ce soit en écrivant "hiragino" ou "kaku" ou "gothic" dans Adobe Illustrator. En revanche on peut la trouver avec son nom en caractères latins sur Adobe In design.
    Après multiples recherches et tests, téléchargements, fermeture de logiciels etc, il se trouve que l'on peut trouver cette font en écrivant "W3 ou "W6" (c'est à dire le nom de la graisse utilisée). Le nom est en fait écrit en caractères japonais mais uniquement sur Illustrator, même si mon logociel est en français.
    Il est indiqué sur la page…

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  17. 件名: Adobeフォントの電子出版での使用についての問い合わせ


    お世話になっております。現在、電子出版においてAdobe Fontsを使用することを検討しています。具体的には、Adobe Fontsを商業用の電子書籍や出版物で利用することが許可されているか、またその際のライセンスに関する詳細を教えていただきたいと考えています。

    また、Adobe Creative Cloud (AdobeCC) を購入した場合、Adobe Fontsの使用についてのライセンス条件が変わるかどうかについても確認させていただきたいです。


    Adobe Fontsのフォントは、電子出版物で使用しても問題ないか。
    AdobeCCを購入した場合、Adobe Fontsの使用に関して異なる条件が適用されるか。
    Adobe Fontsを使って作成したフォントを再配布する際のライセンス規定について。
    Adobe Fontsで提供されるフォントが、将来、商業的利用において制限を受ける可能性があるかどうか。


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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Fonts never seem to activate, no matter what I do--OR, they do load, but it takes minutes while I'm pulling my hair out!
    Worst feature ever.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  20. Narrow down the search for a serif or sans serif font by the ended use: text, vs. display.

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