Fix Font Syncing UX
The current font syncing UX through creative cloud is extremely frustrating. After downloading a dozen font families, those families are constantly disappearing off of my computer (even though the families are still selected as active) and requiring me to re-download/install them individually by font weight/style. This means having to click the "download/install" button 10+ times for every single font family, meaning 100's of clicks for a full library, which has to be re-done every few months. On top of that, the fonts are re-arranged within the list immediately after the download button is clicked (I'm assuming because they're ordered by last modified date?), making it completely unusable for anything larger than two font families, as the font you're trying to download instantly jumps to the top of a long list.
Potential fixes for this problem:
1. If a font is selected as activated, don't remove it from the system. (Adding this as a preference would be fine too if need be). I can only assume this is a licensing thing because why would you un-download an activated font automatically??
2. If that's not possible, have a "Re-download All" button that downloads all active fonts, or at the very least add a download button next to each family as opposed to by individual weight.
3. Don't reorder the list as download buttons are being clicked (or just order by name so it doesn't reorder by last modified following every click) so the fonts aren't jumping around as you're trying to re-download.
Any/all of these should be fairly easy fixes to one of the worst UX's I've ever been subjected to. (end rant and thanks for the consideration, we all appreciate it!!)
PS If a "download all" feature exists and I've just missed it, disregard all that, but haven't found a way to download more than one font weight at a time.