Separate "font suggestions" from "no results found" in search results
Adobe Fonts recently updated the way search results work. If there are no results for your query, recommended fonts are displayed instead. There is a disclaimer message at the top right, but it is very easy to get confused and think the desired font is somehow further down in the results. Please return the previous "no fonts found" messaging to the top of the search results, and place the font suggestions in a separate section below.
Search has also worsened in quality recently, making search results more difficult to parse. When searching "Caslon", three rows of suggestions appear for unrelated fonts. In order to find Adobe Font's offerings for Caslon, you need to search a specific query such as "King's Caslon" or "Adobe Caslon". Even then, only that one version of the font appears. Currently, the only way I've found to review all the different types of Caslon offered is to Google "Caslon" + "Adobe Fonts". As a result, I no longer use the search feature on Adobe Fonts, and instead opt for using Google. The list on Google lacks the visual component that Adobe has, meaning it isn't a perfect solution.
I do not mind being suggested fonts that are visually similar to what I'm looking for, but often I'm looking for something very specific, and just want to know if Adobe Fonts has it, or if I'll need to source it elsewhere. I think if the font suggestions were separated below the actual search results, it would help. At the same time, please ensure that partial queries (such as "caslon" or "garamond") pull up font results that include those queries in the title. Currently, the way the results display make it seem like Adobe's search engine doesn't understand what you're looking for. Thank you for your consideration.

Allen Meyer commented
I'll be blunt, the search results are a fail. If Adobe doesn't offer the font requested that should be plainly stated at the top. I don't want to look through a bunch of fonts that may or may not be related.
Randall Smith commented
I was just about to make the same suggestion/comment, but this captures all of it. I wanted Univers, but was only given alternatives and couldn't figure out if Univers was just buried in the suggestions. I guess not, but how would you know? It is particularly a problem for someone still has a big collection of Type 1 fonts, which of course, are no longer working. (I've been in practice since 1972, so I had a lot). I'm opening files from before the big change and I have to find Open Type versions, just to have a functioning document. Please change your search engine.
ste24 ste24 commented
Totally agree with Meg. If Adobe doesn't have a specific font make it clear you don't have it and in the next line say "but here is something similar:"
Landon Satterfield commented
I've commented on another thread about not being able to find Caslon, but I'll reshape my message here. Thank you Pamela Fontes May for leading me back here; I should have commented already:
Searching fonts frequently gives no results for the font I'm searching for, even if it's included on Adobe Fonts. Or only partial results are given. But always, and I mean ALWAYS, I get font suggestions that are completely opposite of what I want. It's confusing. This seriously needs to be fixed. We're all paying for a membership to a service that doesn't work. // The image I included is my search and only one of the 3 webpage searches in Safari is an actual instance of a Caslon font. I've found a total of three or four versions of Calson through other methods. It's so weird. -
Pamela Fontes May commented
I just had the exact same problem when trying to find all the versions of Caslon available.
Thanks for sharing what is working and not working for you in the new search, Meg! We appreciate you taking the time to send feedback, and will take it into consideration as we continue to work on the website.