111 results found
Add "Fugue" font to Acrobat Pro
Please add Fugue font to Adobe!! Very needed
1 vote -
Glyphenübersicht und Klassifizierung
Ich brauche dringend eine Übersicht über alle verfügbaren Gylphen einer Schrift (inklusive einer Zahl, wieviele es genau sind). Nur so kann ich mit Sicherheit sagen, ob eine Schrift bestimmte Sprachen komplett unterstützt oder Wörter in einem Text korrekt darstellt und für ein Projekt geeignet ist.
Und bitte: Fangt endlich an mit einer korrekten Klassifizierung! „Lustig“ ist keine Kategorie für Schriften! Und „Von Frauen gestaltet“ erst recht nicht. Das ist schlicht BS.
1 vote -
Duffy Script overruns its container in html
When using Duffy Script in a web page, it overruns the width of its containing paragraph. You can see the issue in this jsfiddle by making the width of the right-hand pane smaller: https://jsfiddle.net/GeorgeMooWoof/4x50etdy/8/
1 vote -
URGENT ACADEMIC REQUEST! Add all Syriac fonts (Estrangela, Serto, etc.) and language to be recognized in all of Adobe suite applications.
Hi, I work with Syriac fonts academically (e.g. Estrangela, Serto, etc.) and need to:
1. use them in the Text features in copiable text when working in layers within Adobe Suite Applications (Fresco, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) for scholarly projects to be recognized in all of Adobe suite applications.
2. I would also like to copy tables with specific dimensions and Syriac text with the ability to process Syriac Text (similar to MSWord Processing) in Adobe Suite Apps including Fresco, Illustrator and Photoshop.Here is a link with an example of the fonts (Unicode): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syriac_(Unicode_block)#:~:text=Syriac%20is%20a%20Unicode%20block,Arabic%20among%20Syriac%2Dspeaking%20Christians.
1 vote -
I need the following fonts.
Gumani Medium
Mukta Ligth - Regular - Semibold
The company has a new brand book and I can´t install these two fonts in Adobe Express.
Please help me.1 vote -
is there a LINK between my UPLOADED FONTS on creative clouds, and importing the same font 000webFont to my WEBPROJECT in https://fonts.adobe
Is there a LINK between my UPLOADED FONTS on creative clouds, and importing the same font "Name your font here" to my WEB PROJECT in https://fonts.adobe.com/
Other solution: Can i upload a font to https://fonts.adobe.com/
So i can embeded it easily on SquareSpace and other website.
1 vote -
Fix Your Font Tags / Make sure all fonts are correctly tagged
Why is it so incredibly difficult to find useful results on Adobe Fonts?
If I click on one of those font style tags to look for say, an art deco font, I only get a few pages of mediocre results.
If I search in the search bar for a font style, I get useless results. For example, when I search for "Art Deco" in the search field, I get tons of fonts included in the 9 pages of results that don't fit into the Art Deco category at all.
Are people just not categorizing fonts correctly?
Every other font site…
1 vote -
Downloading font
To make it possible to download the font. So we can send it to clients so they can also use it in there branding.
1 vote -
I wanted to see all fonts
I wanted to see all of them alphabetically, but there were only 200 pages and it stopped at "Q" – Quiche Sans to be specific. I tried to search for "R" but the interface of the results were different than before, and could not be alphabetized.
1 vote -
Why not sort the fonts in order of Unicode compliance when a sample sentence is entered?
Why not sort the fonts in order of Unicode compliance when a sample sentence is entered? (I do not need to see the "featured" fonts when most of the characters I actually need are represented by rectangles.)
1 vote -
First, tell me if you have the font I need
When I search for a specific font it's for a specific job and that's the font I need. There are times when substituting anything else is not acceptable. Please, first show me the font I need or tell me you don't have it, then add suggestions. Thank you.
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Font stroke/outline overlapping issue
I've come across a problem with some fonts, where the paths of the characters overlap. This happens when the text has only strokes and no fill or when the stroke is above the fill (screenshot: Roboto Condensed outline overlapping InDesign).
The problems seems to occur mostly with variable fonts, but it happens also with static fonts. For example Roboto Condensed font family (downloaded from fonts.google.com, not activated through Adobe Fonts) has this issue with their static fonts (the font has static and variable versions, variable is not installed).
I've had the same outcome in several Adobe software, such as…
1 vote -
Installing font families to use on local desktop is extremely finicky
I have to re-install fonts multiple times for them to show up on my adobe cloud manager app. Then i need to quit it and reopen multiple times to even prompt the fonts. It's a really terrible system right now.
2 votes -
search for look-a-likes
it would be nice to search for a certain font-look-a-like AND simultaneously search for features that are needed. For example when you need a typo that supports Romanian language (glyphs) but it must look like Interstate which doesn't support Romanian glyphs.
2 votes -
Pragmatica medium
I would need an medium style of the font Pragmatica. It is available in the condensed version, but not in the basic version. is there a reason why? I would need it as soon as possible.
Yours Melina2 votes -
Integrate Adobe Fonts with the new WordPress Gutenberg editor/designer.
Hi. There's currently no way to use Adobe Fonts with the new Gutenberg system in WordPress 6.5. That is, unless you add a 3rd party page builder theme.
As I hear it, they're building an API for their new WP font manager, so work is needed on the Adobe end to plug Adobe Fonts in.
This is a new / forthcoming issue. They published the release candidate of WP 6.5 a week ago, and before that it was a beta for a while.
I was asked by Adobe staff to post this here as a reply to a forum question.…
3 votes -
Search Fail!! Other font site do it better!
I need to find a way to find a monospaced font with a slash zero. Why is there no key word for Slash or Dotted zero?
2 votes -
Font: Avalanche - letter Å
The font Avalanche should support Swedish characters, but the letter Å doesn't appear correct (Ä and Ö aren't perfect either but they work).
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Export As Adobe PDF from Word needs to display Adobe Fonts correctly!
For some things, I need to use Microsoft Word, but when I use my Adobe Fonts, and then either choose the 'Save As Adobe PDF' or 'Print to Adobe PDF' plugins, the Adobe Fonts just appear a scrambled mess.
Ironically, Microsoft 'Print to PDF' sometimes works, but not always. Can you please fix this?
One wonderful example attached.
1 vote -
Printing a list of available Adobe Fonts currently available
To be able to download either a PDF or to be able to print a list of the Adobe Fonts library. Clients are requesting this daily.
3 votes
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