Collapse Families by default anywhere fonts are managed
On the Adobe Fonts website, when looking at Active Fonts, every font is listed by default, grouped by family. When trying out fonts in a design, these can add up quickly, especially if you're trying different weights.
It would be immensely helpful when attempting to clean up, rather than nuking ALL the fonts (which may be a nice feature for some, but I do have a few I keep around for most projects), it would be nice if the families were collapsed by default.
An inline summary of the number of fonts in each family should be added to more immediately indicate to users how many fonts are actually being listed (by family). This is already in the CC app for managing Active fonts, but it doesn't collapse families by default.

Thanks Seth. This makes a lot of sense and I've heard similar feedback through other channels. I'll keep you updated as we start to investigate how improvements can be made.
Stephan von Ow commented
Managing fonts in the Creative Cloud Client is almost impossible.
First, the list shows all families always as «open». It would help here a lot to show all fontfamilies collapsed by default - and open them via a click on the family-name then.
Second, this list is not in alphabetical order. If you have several fonts activated and you look out for one to deactivate, you feel like sherlock holmes solving a riddle...
Third, a search-function would not just be a «nice to have» but an important support to manage fonts you have installed.Conclusion: Keep in Mind, that designers are working with lots of fonts (recently i have about 300 active fonts on my machine). Show font-families as collapsed «package». Order fonts in the list alpabetically – and make fonts you have installed findeable within a search-function.
Stephan von Ow commented
This would be an important improvement! Specially in the CC-Client the «uncollapsed» fontlist is kind of a horror. And to make things even worse, the list is not in alphabetical order...