List of Adobe subcription fonts for Type 1 substitution team project!
Multiple team members making substitutions = inconsistency, UNLESS we can create a cross reference of our chosen Type 1 > Open Type substitutions, including what tweaks each person should make to accommodate ensuing changes to line wrap, leading, styles, etc. We can't have one person changing tracking to accommodate a new font, while another sizes the font down. Or chooses a different font...
I know the list might change, but can we at least download a "current" list of possible choices? Surfing online through our subscription fonts to activate and test is going to be a full-time job for the thousands of packaging art and marketing documents we maintain for hundreds of customers--some of whom are VERY picky. GIVE OUR TEAM A CHECKLIST TO START WITH, AT LEAST.
Adobe, please don't create this challenge without adequate tools for users. We aren't all just concerned with picking pretty fonts from little packages...

Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've attached a list of the fonts included in our subscription library as of today. This list will quickly become outdated as we add new fonts all the time, but we hope it gives you a starting point to manage this transition. I'm sorry that we're not able to help further, but I've shared your comments with our product team for consideration.
Laurie Line commented
Any chance you could create an updated list of all fonts on the Adobe Fonts platform?
wendy commented
Thank you, this is VERY helpful as a starting point! It will help us develop a standard checklist/guide for our entire team to move forward. Thank you. The break from Type 1 support, which not entirely unanticipated, is a huge curve ball (along with the loss of the Pantone library) that requires planning from a team point of view.
That fonts we might choose to rely on in the future as part of our subscription might disappear without notice is also a useful--if unnerving--point... that may give us ammunition for requesting the $$ to purchase key font licenses from foundries themselves.