PLEASE give an option to preview ALL STYLES AT ONCE without needing to turn down folder arrows!
As a Designer working to create branding, identity and logos, for over 25 years, when searching for a font to use for literally anything, I need to quickly see all font styles at once and don't have time to manually turn down every folders' arrow to preview them individually. Sometimes different styles look entirely different than the version presented by default, and this can't be anticipated. It's better to have the option to preview all styles than making users do more work accomplish this. I've found that having this feature (as you can in Suitcase) is a HUGE time saving measure and pushes the work farther by truly showing ALL options in one fell swoop, so all you have to do is SCROLL to see every option available to you and QUICKLY find what you're looking for. I truly appreciate the fonts, but that unintended filtering by omission is a significant workflow productivity barrier. Come on Adobe, don't cramp my style!

Jalyne Bassell commented
Molly! First, thank you SO MUCH for reading and replying to my post! I'm thrilled that anyone even read it, much less is looking into it! I am very grateful for your any help you can provide!
To answer your question, I'm working within desktop apps, but this need is applicable across all font search areas (literally everywhere a user might search for fonts).
I've attached the requested screenshot and also one from that shows their checkable box to "show variants". Surely if they can offer this, Adobe can!
Again, I sincerely appreciate you responding to me and am here to help if you need more info. Thank you again!
Jalyne Bassell
Can you clarify whether you're referring to browsing on our website or working within the Creative Cloud desktop app? A screenshot is always helpful too to make sure we're on the same page. Thanks!