Previewing Glyphs
Can you please add more technical information, including the ability to preview a font's full list of characters - similar to the glyph flyout menu?
Also - please improve the search capabilities. Right now, when I need a font, I must first go to OTHER websites like to do my research and preview the full character list. When i narrow down my choices, i then go BACK to adobe fonts and cross my fingers and hope you have what i need. For the amount of money I pay each month, this should not be my experience.
You need to add more tags and keywords. Currently the function is limited to only searching by font name or foundry. I would like to see a search capability that i've come to know and expect (i.e. a "Google-like" search). This has been in existence at for years, so i am baffled as to why Adobe is lagging behind.

Michael Schrauzer commented
Agreed. Glyph information is vital. It's ridiculous that so few font details are available about fonts in a supposedly "professional" setting, especially when so many other commercial font sites offer complete font and glyph previews.