when you view 20 fonts, hard to tell which are active and which are not.
color code the bubbles

jeff clinton commented
So we have to go CC desktop to see what fonts are added, but cant add fonts there.
Back to fonts.adobe to add fonts, to activate, but hard to tell what fonts are active.
2 steps, 2 windows, 2 totally different interfaces for one action.
Doesnt need to have color. Its about the contrast between ON and OFF. “Add Family” is in a black oval, “Add font” could be as well.
Im a PRINT designer. I have 408 active adobe fonts, and prob another 400 more in Extensis Connect.
The best way to see which fonts have been added to your selections is in the fonts panel of the Creative Cloud desktop app. You can sort your added fonts alphabetically or from newest to oldest and vice versa. I've attached a screenshot for reference.
jeff clinton commented
it looks like it was slightly addressed. in my previous screen shot, you can see "add font" and "remove" bubbles are identical in size and weight. Currently "add Font" is now bolder and larger.
It better, but still just rows and rows of words.
And its backwards. bubble should be "Active" not "Remove"
MIninon has 65 weights, I want to see what versions are ACTIVE.
Would you be able to provide a screenshot of what you're seeing so I know we're on the same page? Thanks!