Adobe should have a true font-management tool, something which allows one to manage all fonts stored on a Mac/PC
Adobe should have a true font-management tool, something which allows one to manage all fonts stored on a Mac/PC. Such a tool can dramatically improve font workflow -- I've been using Maintype 11, and it's great, but Adobe should have their own tool like that.
Yes, Adobe does have a very lightweight and feature-lacking "half-tool" for managing fonts, but it's kind of a joke, and lacks almost all the features I would want to see -- it's not a true font-manager at all; it only lets you install or uninstall fonts from the website, and doesn't let you arbitrarily tag or group them in any way.
A real "font manager" would allow the user to view all fonts in the system Fonts folder, as well as fonts stored in any offline folder one might have (I have over 1000 fonts stored on a secondary drive). This tool should allow the user to give any of these fonts arbitrary tags, and group them into arbitrary collections. One should be able to preview text in any font seen by the tool, regardless of whether that font is actually installed or stored offline. One should also be able to use that tool to install or uninstall fonts to/from the system Fonts folder and/or the User fonts-folder.
Essentially, the same functionality that MainType 11 has, Adobe should offer their own first-party tool that does the same things, so that users don't have to look elsewhere for such functionality.