Have [Add Family] button on Browse
I enjoy finding new fonts through the recommendations and usually add 3-10 at a time per viewing. One issue i've faced is that a lot of the pictures immediately catch my eye and as a user you can not add the family directly from any of the recommended page. You must first click (Add fonts>Add Family).
It would be more user friendly like this:
- Add Family button shows up beside Add Fonts button when browsing
- Change Add Fonts to View Family and then have a button beside it called Add Family.
Beside below, location does not matter. What matters is that the user can then more effectively add fonts faster to their library without having to click more. I find it would be helpful for many users.S

This was a bug, which has been fixed. The Add button will now add the fonts to your selections, and you can click anywhere else on the card to get to the detail page. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!