Custom Tagging to Organize Fonts by Project or Brand
Although I like being able to "HEART" a font, it's one dimensional to my needs.
I would like to be able to create a "TAG" or a "FOLDER" so that as I'm researching Adobe fonts for a project, I can virtually/dynamically organize them into that "TAG". Then, when in InDesign, PhotoShop, Illustrator, I can filter fonts to show just those associated with that TAG/FOLDER.
This would be helpful if you're jumping into and out of various brands that use different Typefaces.
You could better organize groups of fonts by Brand or Project and get to them faster.
You can now add fonts to libraries from the Fonts website. Use the library icon next to any font or family name to save it to an existing library or create a new one, and curate your own collections. Give it a try, and let us know what you think.