It MUST be made possible to deactivate Adobe Fonts at an application level
I am not the only document and book designer to be frustrated with Adobe Fonts. The service interferes with standard InDesign workflows in an ever-expanding list of ways, most notably by (current bug) randomly preventing 3rd-party font managers from activating fonts, attempting to auto-activate cloud versions of fonts that were typeset using an earlier version with different kerning tables, randomly activating numerous fonts the user has not requested, and noticeably slowing down InDesign when opening documents: particularly frustrating if the user has no need of the Adobe Fonts service.
Adobe Fonts is not a complete font management solution, nor can it be, when unavoidable type families such as Helvetica and Gotham belong to other foundries and are not ever going to be available. There are non-Adobe cloud services (Google, Microsoft, Monotype) that have wide use, and several excellent and mature 3rd-party font managers already exist and are in widespread use. These make it imperative that the service get out of the way of existing solutions upon which professional workflows depend.
It's not that Adobe Fonts is bad, or a bad idea. It can be useful for ideation and prototyping. But in a professional typesetting environment with close font management, it can be a liability.
Allowing the user to fully turn off Adobe Fonts, whether globally (which would be fine in many use cases) or on an app by app basis, is important.