Font stroke/outline overlapping issue
I've come across a problem with some fonts, where the paths of the characters overlap. This happens when the text has only strokes and no fill or when the stroke is above the fill (screenshot: Roboto Condensed outline overlapping InDesign).
The problems seems to occur mostly with variable fonts, but it happens also with static fonts. For example Roboto Condensed font family (downloaded from, not activated through Adobe Fonts) has this issue with their static fonts (the font has static and variable versions, variable is not installed).
I've had the same outcome in several Adobe software, such as InDesign, Illustrator and After Effects. But Premiere Pro seems to handle these fonts properly with no stoke/outline overlapping issues (screenshot: Roboto Condensed outline overlapping Premiere Pro). I tried with non-Adobe software also, and Microsoft PowerPoint had no issues with these fonts (screenshot: Roboto Condensed outline overlapping PowerPoint). The same behavior appears both on Windows and macOS.
As of now these fonts are unusable with strokes only or with strokes and fills other than 100% opacity. Of course there are workarounds, such as converting the text to outlines, but that is not the long term solution. As a large organization having multiple individuals with varying skills and knowledge we cannot rely on workarounds.
I hope you have the time to look into this issue.