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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

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—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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59 results found

  1. Hi,

    Frutiger® by linotype font would be a massive upgrade to Adobe fonts. This font is commonly used for signage. This font should be in the top 10 of all designer fonts.

    Is there any chance that this font would be available on Adobe fonts soon?

    Thank you

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  2. Fuente que incluya el abecedario; alfabeto dactilológico chileno, de lenguajes de señas como el LSCH

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  3. As an Art Director for a small company I have to utilize templates in different apps (i.e. Google Docs, Canva) that others who do not have Adobe Application Training must use to create graphics. If I can't use Adobe Fonts to set up said templates, I can't make that our company brand font. PLEASE make your fonts more accessible to a wider audience! I agree someone should have an Adobe License to use them but I should be able to use them everywhere.

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. I feel I cannot adequately express how much I love the Adobe Utopia font (and its Italic version on particular). I would love to use it on my blog, but unfortunately the Adobe Fonts version lacks support for Central European characters - more precisely a couple of Romanian letters. Since I occasionally write in Romanian, using a font lacking these letters would look ugly and defeat the purpose of using Utopia in the first place. I know there are a couple of open-source expansions of Utopia with Central European characters, but all of them are missing the lovely Th ligature…

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  6. Ich muss häufiger Texte in Mongolisch setzen.

    Es ist immer sehr aufwendig dafür geeignete Schriftarten zu finden, weil es einige Unterschiede zum normalen kyrillischen Zeichensatz gibt, so wie er im Russischen verwendet wird. Auch der ukrainische und kasachische Zeichensatz enthält darüber hinaus noch weitere Zeichen, diese Sprachen kann ich aber bei Adobe direkt anwählen Mongolisch nicht!

    Ich bin immer gezwungen für Mongolisch folgenden Test zu machen:

    Beispieltext: §,$,%,&,ө Ѳ, ү Ү, ъ Ъ, Ертөнцийн, төрөлхтнийг, мөн, хүн, хүүхэд, сайтын

    Da würde ich mir wünschen, dass sich das ändert!

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  7. Shouldn't there be a braille II type available?

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  8. URGENT!!!!!

    Adobe is discontinuing support for its own "gold standard" typw 1 fonts, but has no practical catalog of current collection, needed to know what fonnts I DO NOT need to replace.
    No practical means of doing so on Adobe web site.



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  9. ITC Avant Garde Gothic has a more extensive family as a standard. If you are supplying the font it would be nice for you to supply the usual versions Extra thin and Demi Bold rather than only part of the family.

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  10. Add more game, arcade, video gaming type fonts

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  11. Pretty simple, all typefaces at are open source (and variable). They're already on Google Fonts, but it'd be even more convenient to have them built in to Adobe Fonts.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Hope I can use all the FontFont and Monotype's fonts, I can see FontFont has total 441 font families and Monotype has 778 font familiies. I can only see a few of them.

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. It would be wonderful if you could stock up with more Hebrew serif fonts, like: Greta Text Hebrew and Fedra Serif by Typotheque, or Emuna and Bar Yochay by Masterfont.

    These serif fonts would be useful for book and traditional scriptural text more than the existing sans-serif catalog.

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  16. Hi... I work with Vietnamese text pretty often using Active Grotesk Condense and Extended versions. Could you please add on accents to the fonts as its really not productive to this manually especially when on deadlines! I don't have this problem if I'm using the regular versions, but unfortunately really need them for the condense and extended versions. Hope you can help!

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  17. Mrs Eaves is a great font, but two essential glyphs are not available in the Latin version (ő ű). Because of these two missing glyphs, we cannot use Mrs Eaves. There is a Central European version, but it is not included in Adobe Fonts. The CE font on Emigre's website:

    Is it possible to include the Central European version in Adobe Fonts? It would be of great help for us in Hungary :)

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  18. Please add the italic variations to the font for Argent CF. The foundry advised they are meant to be included in the family of fonts on Adobe and that this is an oversight on Adobes's part.

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  19. Would like these fonts to be added to creative cloud so that use them on iOS:
    - GE Dinar One
    - GE Dinar Two Medium
    - GE SS Unique Bold
    - GE SS Unique Light
    - Dubai
    - Dubai Light
    - Dubai Medium
    - SC_DUBAI

    Appreciate it :)

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