The fonts not syncing
I don't know how to fix this because it's the most unbearable issue to get around. I can't tell you how many times I've lost hours because the front of the font Adobe Typkit does not sync with InDesign. Then InDesign does not let you clear the background tasks. The whole Adobe suite of programs is slowly becoming a pile of shit. I have done everything to try to fix this on my own. Restarting the computer, updating the programs, uninstalling the program and fonts over and over and over and it's always one or two fonts that can never sync. Then when they do the next time I open the file the other fonts don't sync. How can anyone work like this let alone take Adobe seriously? At what point will Adobe try to fix this?
Does anyone have any suggestions on other programs that could replace InDesign? or how I could save the fonts locally on my PC?

Hi Ryan - we will pass this issue on to the InDesign team.