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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

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  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
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—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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78 results found

  1. When browsing fonts to download, it's tough to see how the font would look due to how they are presented. It would be much better if the fonts were in black on a white background because they are too confusing to look at the moment.

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  2. Why not sort the fonts in order of Unicode compliance when a sample sentence is entered? (I do not need to see the "featured" fonts when most of the characters I actually need are represented by rectangles.)

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  3. I would like to be able to search through only variable fonts. At current, searching 'variable' does not show variable fonts.

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  4. Why is it so incredibly difficult to find useful results on Adobe Fonts?

    If I click on one of those font style tags to look for say, an art deco font, I only get a few pages of mediocre results.

    If I search in the search bar for a font style, I get useless results. For example, when I search for "Art Deco" in the search field, I get tons of fonts included in the 9 pages of results that don't fit into the Art Deco category at all.

    Are people just not categorizing fonts correctly?

    Every other font site…

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  5. I wanted to see all of them alphabetically, but there were only 200 pages and it stopped at "Q" – Quiche Sans to be specific. I tried to search for "R" but the interface of the results were different than before, and could not be alphabetized.

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  6. Can you please add more technical information, including the ability to preview a font's full list of characters - similar to the glyph flyout menu?

    Also - please improve the search capabilities. Right now, when I need a font, I must first go to OTHER websites like to do my research and preview the full character list. When i narrow down my choices, i then go BACK to adobe fonts and cross my fingers and hope you have what i need. For the amount of money I pay each month, this should not be my experience.

    You need to…

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  7. I’d like to be able to view more fonts per page of search results.

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  8. When I search for a specific font it's for a specific job and that's the font I need. There are times when substituting anything else is not acceptable. Please, first show me the font I need or tell me you don't have it, then add suggestions. Thank you.

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  9. 5 votes

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  10. Why adobe font hasnt search by Cyrillic font indicator?
    my language is bulgarian, but cyrillic fonts are used by 70 languages and about 300 milions people. There are Macedonian, Russian, Serbian... my country is missing. But most fonts for Cyrillic countries have the same letters.
    The search option in adobe has to have cyrillic!

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  11. Please, please, please add Welsh to the list of languages, this would save hours browsing fonts which do not have the rare w and y's with circumflex accents which are needed to typeset in Welsh. With the need to make documents accessible, ie. text readers for the visually impaired, workarounds for missing accents are no longer workable and having fonts with all the accents included is essential.

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    1. I'd like to fine tune my font search by having more secondary groups for example if I filter by serif I'd also like to be able to browse by old style, transitional, modern, or just all.
    2. A filter for fonts with alternative characters.
    3. True small capitals
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  12. Hi,

    The 'About' section of the Interstate font states: ... 'The family was expanded to include full support for Central and Eastern Europe languages, as well as Cyrillic and Greek.'

    That is however not the case with the version provided by Adobe, which only includes standard version without other languages support. I think this is an example tapping into a broader problem: Adobe customers are not treated equally. Those, whose projects involve languages other than those considered 'standard' (which in itself sounds bizarre), are out of luck. While the extended language version of this particular font exists and is advertised…

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  13. I don’t know how other people are feeling about it, but when it comes to the Tags, things like Wedding of Fun don’t really help me a lot, but I would love to be able to search for Display or Condensed fonts. And I would second the suggestion someone else already made, that it would be great if there were tags according to the best use of fonts like Newspaper, Books or Magazines.

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  14. Please introduce better filtering options:
    - Double story/single story g
    - Double-storey/single-storey a
    - Dynamic shapes, Passive shapes, Constructed shapes
    - Fonts by use (newspaper, book, poster)
    - Fonts with variable sizes
    - type fonts

    Your filter is currently a bit stone-age and just doesn't do the products justice. Thank you!

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  15. There is no Search field on the "All Fonts" page. Pretty unbelievable. One has to toggle back to the "Home" page to search for a specific font. Please fix.

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  16. please place a filter in the adobe font library for which fonts have ligatures and swashes. it is truly disappointing to have to load a font in an application before seeing if they have ligatures/swatches—takes much time. thank you for your good help.

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  17. I'm looking for a font with a full set of ligatures, which means manually copying in glyphs from elsewhere and scanning through pages and pages of fonts that don't include what I need. (84 pages of sans serif! No way I'm going to take time to click through all of these.)

    It would be awesome to have the option to automatically filter out any font that comes up with an empty glyph in the sample type, or some other way to browse only fonts that include specific glyph sets, whether it's ligatures, accents, math symbols, etc.

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  18. Make it easier to find fonts that are designed to reflect a cultural feeling.
    Fonts in English that have a Chinese, Celtic, Russian,etc. FEELING to the design.

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  19. It returns a "Sorry, these results have expired" message multiple times on different browsers

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