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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

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  1. Description of the feature or area of product
  2. Why this is valuable to you
  3. If possible, any images or screenshots that help us understand your request
  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
We look forward to hearing from you!
—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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313 results found

  1. There is a bug on the letter "d" of the Didot LT Pro Roman font in lowercase. Thank you for your attention

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  2. I would like the ability to rename existing web font projects. I would also like the ability to duplicate existing web font projects.

    Being unable to rename an existing web font project introduces risk and (what I think is) unnecessary busy-work to my web-based projects.

    My company publishes educational curricula to variety of platforms both printed and digital. All are produced as HTML templates which are proofed in a web browser and which rely upon Adobe web fonts for their typography.

    It is quite common that we don’t know at the onset of a project how many versions and platforms…

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    1. I can manage fonts I have purchased OUTSIDE of Adobe, and deploy them to all workstations.

    2. Individual users can navigate to and add Adobe fonts to their workstation.

    but.... as an Enterprise Administrator I do not have the ability to designate which workstations, or if all workstations, should have particular fonts from already installed on the workstation.

    I would like to select a font (like Futura PT), and have it automatically load on workstations when the users sign in - without their need to intervene.

    In our environment consistency between workstations is imperative. Even though a user has…

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  3. 1 vote

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  4. The font "Countach" does not work on iOS mobile devices.

    I'm using the recommended method of installing fonts

    It seems to be affecting all iOS versions, not just phone (ipad too).


    • It seems to be iOS specific - iPad + iPhone on both Safari and Chrome show the same issue
    • Android seems unaffected
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    received  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  5. fonts are not showing in adobe after effects.. User has no clue where to click or go to resolve this.. It's wasting so much time

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  6. Hi, there's something wrong with the Apertura Web Font. When integrated to my website, it bugs in the accent characteres "Í" and "ê".

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  7. ITC Avant Garde Gothic has a more extensive family as a standard. If you are supplying the font it would be nice for you to supply the usual versions Extra thin and Demi Bold rather than only part of the family.

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  8. The FAQ for font licensing says that single characters or glyphs cannot be used for engravings and such. However, certain things can only be represented by a single character. This is understandable with Latin characters, where a single letter can become an almost infinite number of words or phrases, but with Chinese it is much more finite and isn't necessarily used for creating words or phrases like Latin characters are. I believe there should be an exemption of this rule for Chinese characters and similar languages that represent things with single characters, perhaps except for copyrighting logos, as it is…

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  9. For many pro users Photoshop comes with a lot of unnecessary variable fonts. It would be nice to be able to control them on a user level and not be forced by Adobe to have them installed. I don't need them and they get in the way.

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  10. We have multiple developers on our team, and need to be able to manage projects centrally, have them persist beyond a given employee's employment, and be modified by anyone on the team.

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  11. Please add a way to "favorite and/or save" Foundries like LiebeFont so we can be alerted every time a new font is offered!

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  12. Can you provide a way to figure out which font can be used as a substitute for an expiring Type 1 font? Many of my long-term projects use classic fonts like Univers and I'm finding it hard to find a similar substitute.

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  13. 12 votes

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  14. Here's my idea: when I start designing a new book, and I pick a certain font, and spend several days developing the design, it would be nice if the font didn't suddenly disappear from Adobe Fonts, with no notification and no explanation.

    Here's another idea: how about, when I spend about ten minutes just navigating Adobe's telephone menu to speak to an operator, someone at the other end could actually pick up the phone rather than just letting it ring and eventually go dead?

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  15. Suggestion: make it possible to remove fonts from the "previously active" list in the Creative Cloud app.

    Sometimes you try and then firmly reject a font, or have fonts you used long ago for just one project and are really unlikely to need again. It would be nice to be able to remove these even from the "previously active" list, as it grows longer!

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  16. I use Adobe fonts in other applications. I wasn't able to edit text because you had decided to turn off my fonts and force me to redownload them without actually telling me. I had to do a whole bunch of troubleshooting because of your lack of communication.

    When you decide to turn off your users fonts, can you please at least email me to let me know? I don't want to have to waste like 45 minutes testing a bunch of stuff.

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  17. The current font syncing UX through creative cloud is extremely frustrating. After downloading a dozen font families, those families are constantly disappearing off of my computer (even though the families are still selected as active) and requiring me to re-download/install them individually by font weight/style. This means having to click the "download/install" button 10+ times for every single font family, meaning 100's of clicks for a full library, which has to be re-done every few months. On top of that, the fonts are re-arranged within the list immediately after the download button is clicked (I'm assuming because they're ordered by…

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  18. There is no Cyrillic filter option on I wanted to upgrade my Adobe account to include Illustrator, but all the work I am going to do is with Cyrillic fonts and upon trying to see if there are any good ones on Adobe, I couldn't because the filter is simply missing. I am guessing the same is true for the in-app search as well.

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  19. Have the ability to view multiple lines of text in the sample text preview. It's hard to see if a font is good for body copy with only one line preview.

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