306 results found
Big Caslon Linking Bug
Big Caslon CC is now Big Caslon FB and is not linked or updating the font across brand kit and projects accordingly where Big Caslon CC has been used for many projects.
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Sztos font issues
The Sztos font is only showing italic variants when used in applications. It seems this bug has been around for a while and has been experienced by multiple people.
Is there any news on a) what the issue is, and b) if there is a workaround or fix?
Best wishes
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Normale / kapitale cijfers 'Brando' en 'Brando Sans'
Naast mediëval cijfers zou ik graag ook normale / kapitale cijfers willen zien binnen het lettertypeaanbod van Brando en Brando Sans.
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font bug
Adobe fonts를 사용하려고 하는데 절대 설치가 안 돼요.. 이것도 서비스의 일부 아닌가요? 폰트가 지속적으로 설치가 안 되는 점에 대해 비용을 환불 받고 싶어요. 프로그램을 다 지우고 새로 시작해도 똑같은 오류이고, 인터넷 보니 다른 유저들도 고질적인 문제를 고치지 못해 불편을 겪고 있고 일방적으로 어도비가 해결할 때만을 기다리고 있다네요. 연동이 안돼요!
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Addition of Serpentine Bold Italic
Our company branding for our logo features 'Serpentine Bold Italic' font. We have used this for many years but upon opening our video template recently, there is no option for this font. Please could I request this be added to the list of available fonts so we can continue with our branding. If this font cannot be used, our Logo will have to change its appearance for our videos which is something we do not want.
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Recommended Fonts Sample Text
Please make it so the recommended fonts also pull from the "sample text" box. I am typically trying to match a font and it just saying Champagne Sorbet is not helpful. Especially when I need to click into each individual font and change the sample text for each font.
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Fix weird character swap
I just installed Baldufa and found something very strange when using the locl feature or more precisely when setting the language to Bulgarian. When typing in Regular all is fine. However, when changing to Italic things get weird – the "в"changes to "д" and "д" changes to "в", making the italic cut useless.
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I keep adding adobe fonts and they dont show up in my library. This program is buggy and broken. It is infuriating.
I keep adding adobe fonts and they dont show up in my library in creative cloud or within programs. Adobe fonts is buggy and broken. It is infuriating.
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Poor experience when browsing and searching fonts
I would like to suggest an improvement to Adobe Fonts regarding usability and navigation to organize and manage already downloaded fonts.
Currently within the creative cloud application there is no option to search for downloaded fonts by name, there are no search filters, nor even a thumbnail preview of the fonts, in order to find the font more easily.
On the Adobe Fonts website there is no page with the list of fonts already downloaded that are being used in the Adobe applications installed on our computer.
The experience of locating a font within the Creative Cloud application is…
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Hash-like font
Imagine having a font that operates like a hash generator, visually transforming letters into entirely different characters—much like the behavior of tools like this hash generator: https://hash-generator.com/md5-hash-generator/
What does that mean?
Essentially, each character would be mapped to a unique, unrelated symbol or letter. For instance, “A” could appear as “J”, “B” as “2”, and so on, creating a visually encoded representation of text.
This would be nice to have, in some context.
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Fancy Fonts
It would be cool to have some more Unicode-art-like fonts, like this: https://fancy-text-generator.org/ or some glitch-like fonts, like this: https://jntzn.com/tools/glitch-text-generator/
I know, this might be a bit niche, but for certain art styles and game design, this would be so cool! :D
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font 'Park Lane' is not loading
Tried all ways. Not appearing in Illustrator.
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A separate fontmanager.
A sturdy and failsafe fontmanager, apart from the CC app. With sets, folders, rankings. This makes it more easy to activate / deactivate font sets per project.
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Please aquire the Hanley Pro Complete Family
I have a client that had a logo designed by someone else and they had purchased Hanley Pro Complete Family fonts from MyFonts (we do have proof of purchase so that the logo is safe). I cannot use the font for future branding reasons without having to pay. I would like Adobe Fonts to get this font family of 23 different versions please.
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Improve specific letter forms in Source Sans 3
I would like to suggest improvements to the letter forms in Source Sans 3. The uppercase J could have a line at the top to make it more traditional. The lowercase q could have a hook. The lowercase t should be a traditional letter rather than a script t. The uppercase A should be a single story A. The uppercase I should be a traditional letter rather than just a single vertical line. The lowercase a should be a traditional look rather than a double story a. The lowercase j should be a traditional letter. The uppercase Y should be…
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"There are a lot of fonts in here! Consider a few less for better performance." is incorrect grammar. It should be:
"Consider fewer fonts for better performance."
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style japonais
pour un projet d'école je dois trouver une police qui a un thème asiatique , qui nous fait penser aux japon sans que le texte sois ecrit en japonais .
le but de mon projet c'est qu'on comprennent que ce qui est écrit en français tout en apercevant un style japonais a la police .ça fait 3 jours que je parcours adobe fonts et j'avoue que ça commence à m'agacer fortement de ne pas trouver une police de style japonais .
il serait bien que vous elargissiez vos mots clés avec par exemple "asie" qui pourrait regrouper toutes les…1 vote -
Enable browsing ALL fonts alphabetically
I need to browse through every font in the Adobe Fonts collection and in order to ensure I don't miss any, I display them alphabetically. However, displaying all fonts in alphabetical order is currently impossible because the system limits pagination to a maximum of 200 pages, which only shows fonts up to the letter K. How to show all the rest, from K to Z?
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Mi compañía utiliza la poppins para publicaciones corporativas. Tenemos problemas con la poppins regular, primero Adobe Suite no la reconoce al abrir el documento y nos aparece un *, como si no estuviese instalada. Descargué la regular, y me convirtió el texto en caracteres árabes.
My company has chosen the Poppins font for corporate publications. We have problems with the regular poppins, first Adobe Suite does not recognize it when opening the document and an * appears, as if it were not installed. I downloaded the regular one, and it converted the text into Arabic characters.
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Non-latin scripts (especially south east asian)
First off, we are avid users of Adobe Fonts across multiple project (such as https://jntzn.com/tools/hex-to-rgb-converter/, https://jntzn.com/tools/xml-formatter/, https://jntzn.com/tools/glitch-text-generator/ and https://gegenfeld.com/tools/prozentrechner, among others). The platform's ease of use and integration have been invaluable to our workflow and design consistency.
As we expand our content offerings into additional languages—including Thai, Korean, Hindi and more—we've encountered a significant challenge: a limited selection of fonts supporting these more niche or non-Latin scripts. Thai script, in particular, is essential for us to deliver a polished and culturally appropriate experience in our multilingual projects.
It would be incredibly beneficial to have a broader range…
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