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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

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  1. Description of the feature or area of product
  2. Why this is valuable to you
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  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
We look forward to hearing from you!
—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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63 results found

  1. Allow shared management of font web projects. without this ability you can lose access to web projects if someone leaves the team, etc. It also makes it hard to add font weights, verify ownership, etc.

    I can't create a shared dummy account either due to cost issues.

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  2. Could you allow collapsing all font family names at once in the font manager, please? It is not productive to collapse one by one, and the view of everything expanded by default is very bad. Thanks!

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  3. On the Adobe Fonts website, when looking at Active Fonts, every font is listed by default, grouped by family. When trying out fonts in a design, these can add up quickly, especially if you're trying different weights.

    It would be immensely helpful when attempting to clean up, rather than nuking ALL the fonts (which may be a nice feature for some, but I do have a few I keep around for most projects), it would be nice if the families were collapsed by default.

    An inline summary of the number of fonts in each family should be added to more…

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  4. I would like the ability to rename existing web font projects. I would also like the ability to duplicate existing web font projects.

    Being unable to rename an existing web font project introduces risk and (what I think is) unnecessary busy-work to my web-based projects.

    My company publishes educational curricula to variety of platforms both printed and digital. All are produced as HTML templates which are proofed in a web browser and which rely upon Adobe web fonts for their typography.

    It is quite common that we don’t know at the onset of a project how many versions and platforms…

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  5. Users should be able to 'hide' fonts that they don't want to see in the drop down menu. System fonts like 'Noto Sans' essentially divide the whole menu with a large number of fonts that can't be deleted from the system. Having the ability to hide these fonts is the solution that many people have been asking for, but for some reason both adobe and apple have ignored the problem.

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  6. Suggestion: provide options to sort, and ideally to filter (live search) the lists of active and previously active fonts in the Creative Cloud app.

    At a minimum, I'd suggest the lists be sorted alphabetically as standard. Looking at my active fonts, the order appears arbitrary at first, but I believe it must be the order in which I activated them, which I don't think is useful.

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  7. God almighty, please, especially now that Adobe bought Figma, let me bulk activate fonts for non-Adobe apps in CC without having to MANUALLY check every variant of a font I want to sync.

    I am holding back a lot of contempt for the product managers at Adobe who thought of this feature. Quintessentially a sample of gratuitous suffering that the Adobe team has gotten us used to as paying customers.

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  8. Adobe should have a true font-management tool, something which allows one to manage all fonts stored on a Mac/PC. Such a tool can dramatically improve font workflow -- I've been using Maintype 11, and it's great, but Adobe should have their own tool like that.

    Yes, Adobe does have a very lightweight and feature-lacking "half-tool" for managing fonts, but it's kind of a joke, and lacks almost all the features I would want to see -- it's not a true font-manager at all; it only lets you install or uninstall fonts from the website, and doesn't let you arbitrarily…

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  9. The ability to manage the different versions of the fonts in a specific admin console, for company accounts, to define which version must be used by the end users in the company and, if needed, force the font update in all the end user machines.
    This is requested because when fonts are updated and the changes are related with kerning or characters, inside a company with several layout designers, can lead to different results because different users can have different versions of a font.
    Related with this request, users should be informed when a font is updated in Adobe Fonts

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  10. It's very annoying and time-consuming to open a document and be told that all fonts included are inactive. Then I have to open up the Creative Cloud app, the fonts webpage, etc. to go "renew" or re-download the fonts.

    Bonus: None of this has worked and even after uninstalling and reinstalling the fonts, InDesign still says they are inactive.

    Bonus 2: How are these fonts "expired"? I work with these fonts in the same document at least once a month, and I have for the past two years.

    This is such a waste of time. If I was a freelancer…

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  11. Would love to see 3 new tags.

    1. Condensed - including all fonts that are tall and thin, regardless of font style and including but not exclusively fonts labeled "condensed" and "compressed". (examples-Birch, Niagara, and Bee, also Alternate Gothic Condensed and Compressed)

    Extended - including all fonts that are short and wide, regardless of font style and including but not exclusively fonts labeled "Extended". (examples-Blackoak, Madrone, and HWT Tuscan Extended, Milka, Modesto Expanded, Neuzon Regular, Viva Std Bold Extra Extended.)

    Square - All fonts with squared corners, regardless of font style, whether or not the corners are sharp, whether or not…

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  12. I would really appreciate it, if there was a better way to manage fonts. Having all fonts in a list, all families expanded no less, requires me to scroll through everything when I am looking for something particular I cannot remember the name of. And when I go through them one by one I have to click on every item on the list to be given a preview, no using my downward key to save time.
    If there were a way to allow for the creation and use of tags or folders, it would be an immense time saver.

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  13. PLEASE play nice with Connect Fonts! It is a giant PIA to launch Creative Cloud and activate Adobe Fonts there! Every designer I know uses Connect Fonts to manage their fonts - come on!

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  14. Font won't add

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  15. Filtering fonts by Serif, Sans Serif, etc. – like in the apps themselves – would be helpful when managing in CC desktop.

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  16. I'd like to be able to do 2 things from within the Adobe Fonts interface, and if possible through Adobe apps:

    1) Create / choose a template to create type specimen sheets, and
    2) Create personal / shareable Font Packs.

    The specimen sheet request is a great way to preview a font/family.

    Personally curated Font Packs would be invaluable for curating and activating/deactivating project-based fonts.

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  17. For Companies that would like to move dozens, if not hundreds of Fonts to Adobe Font, allow for a batch upload of Fonts (currently there is a batch limit of 20)

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  18. I've lost count of the number of times I enable certain Adobe fonts via your website only for them to be highlighted as 'missing' the next time I open my InDesign document that uses them! Is this a bug or a limit on the number of fonts I can enable? If you're getting rid of OTF support across your products then your own fonts need to be reliable. Also, on that subject, a comparison to OTF fonts would be useful in the search.

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    1. I can manage fonts I have purchased OUTSIDE of Adobe, and deploy them to all workstations.

    2. Individual users can navigate to and add Adobe fonts to their workstation.

    but.... as an Enterprise Administrator I do not have the ability to designate which workstations, or if all workstations, should have particular fonts from already installed on the workstation.

    I would like to select a font (like Futura PT), and have it automatically load on workstations when the users sign in - without their need to intervene.

    In our environment consistency between workstations is imperative. Even though a user has…

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  19. Allow users who upload fonts ("Add fonts to Creative Cloud") to disable them when desired, to remove them from app menus, without having to Remove them.

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