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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

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  1. Description of the feature or area of product
  2. Why this is valuable to you
  3. If possible, any images or screenshots that help us understand your request
  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
We look forward to hearing from you!
—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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317 results found


    This doesn't happen with other Adobe serif fonts (or other serif fonts outside of Adobe fonts), but this one. It renders as a sans-serif when a number is chosen. If it's letters or words, it's a proper serif.

    However, you add anywhere in the paragraph a subscript, which properly renders as serif, the superscript suddenly turns into a serif.

    This behavior is showcased in Figma.

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  2. I'd like to be able to even see the fonts that we are currently using on our sites. They NOWHERE on the page they are supposed to be. Also, says click the "</>" and there ISN"T a button like that.

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    1. I can manage fonts I have purchased OUTSIDE of Adobe, and deploy them to all workstations.

    2. Individual users can navigate to and add Adobe fonts to their workstation.

    but.... as an Enterprise Administrator I do not have the ability to designate which workstations, or if all workstations, should have particular fonts from already installed on the workstation.

    I would like to select a font (like Futura PT), and have it automatically load on workstations when the users sign in - without their need to intervene.

    In our environment consistency between workstations is imperative. Even though a user has…

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  3. Hope I can use all the FontFont and Monotype's fonts, I can see FontFont has total 441 font families and Monotype has 778 font familiies. I can only see a few of them.

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  4. Take the body of the text (paragraph) and translate it into different language (s)

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  6. As an Art Director for a small company I have to utilize templates in different apps (i.e. Google Docs, Canva) that others who do not have Adobe Application Training must use to create graphics. If I can't use Adobe Fonts to set up said templates, I can't make that our company brand font. PLEASE make your fonts more accessible to a wider audience! I agree someone should have an Adobe License to use them but I should be able to use them everywhere.

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  7. Shouldn't there be a braille II type available?

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  8. The difference between safari and Chrome is just too much regarding the line height of "Elza". If it is a bug, I would appreciate it if you could fix it. Please let me know if there is any countermeasure I can take.

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  9. Do not machine translate your site. It results in bad texts.

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  10. Hello! Amazing work the artist did with this font. But the font suppose to be used for languages like portuguese and spanish but doesnt have "ç".

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  11. We have multiple developers on our team, and need to be able to manage projects centrally, have them persist beyond a given employee's employment, and be modified by anyone on the team.

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  12. In the regular web interface the icons/switches for Font Contrast progress from low to high contrast.
    However the corresponding interface inside Adobe Portfolio has the Icons in reversed order (high to low contrast) while maintaining the order of functionallity from low to high.

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  13. I would really like to "pin" a font I know I will be using to the "Search fonts" sample text windows. A small sub-card in the top left of the window could work great to display a short string driven by a text input and dropdown search of saved fonts in the filters tab.

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  14. Hi... I work with Vietnamese text pretty often using Active Grotesk Condense and Extended versions. Could you please add on accents to the fonts as its really not productive to this manually especially when on deadlines! I don't have this problem if I'm using the regular versions, but unfortunately really need them for the condense and extended versions. Hope you can help!

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  16. Please add the italic variations to the font for Argent CF. The foundry advised they are meant to be included in the family of fonts on Adobe and that this is an oversight on Adobes's part.

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  17. I updated my Adobe Illustrator and Adobe XD - after that on all flyers and wireframes I had Helvetica Neue used, replaced the font. And surprisingly, I have been using it for a long time and now I cannot even see it on the list.

    What just happened?

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  18. For Android apps, it seems additional fonts are disabled. It would be really nice to be able to use any Adobe font on Android apps. All of them, but for example it would be nice to make an ad on Adobe Express from wherever I am without having to use a computer. It's 2022, a lot of professionals are on the go all the time. Be nice to be able to crank out an ad at the drop of a hat with the fonts the company I work for actually uses without having to drag a clunky laptop everywhere or…

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  19. There is no Cyrillic filter option on I wanted to upgrade my Adobe account to include Illustrator, but all the work I am going to do is with Cyrillic fonts and upon trying to see if there are any good ones on Adobe, I couldn't because the filter is simply missing. I am guessing the same is true for the in-app search as well.

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