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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

You can vote for an existing idea or add your own. When adding a new idea, please include:
  1. Description of the feature or area of product
  2. Why this is valuable to you
  3. If possible, any images or screenshots that help us understand your request
  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
We look forward to hearing from you!
—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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312 results found

  1. To be able to download either a PDF or to be able to print a list of the Adobe Fonts library. Clients are requesting this daily.

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  2. Please add Fugue font to Adobe!! Very needed

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  3. When I'm looking at a font pack (ex:, I have to click each font individually to activate the full family. Can we get a button for each font on the page of the font pack to activate them?

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  4. In the Creative Cloud app, fonts families appear with panels fully open. It annoys me to have to scroll! There should be the ability to collapse all fonts families at once instead of having to do it individually. Even better would be a way to search for a font in the app. The search field in the CC app searches for other things that take me to the Adobe website. I would to be able to search for a font and activate/deactivate it within the app without having to scroll to find it!

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  5. Ich brauche dringend eine Übersicht über alle verfügbaren Gylphen einer Schrift (inklusive einer Zahl, wieviele es genau sind). Nur so kann ich mit Sicherheit sagen, ob eine Schrift bestimmte Sprachen komplett unterstützt oder Wörter in einem Text korrekt darstellt und für ein Projekt geeignet ist.

    Und bitte: Fangt endlich an mit einer korrekten Klassifizierung! „Lustig“ ist keine Kategorie für Schriften! Und „Von Frauen gestaltet“ erst recht nicht. Das ist schlicht BS.

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  6. When browsing fonts to download, it's tough to see how the font would look due to how they are presented. It would be much better if the fonts were in black on a white background because they are too confusing to look at the moment.

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  7. I need to find a way to find a monospaced font with a slash zero. Why is there no key word for Slash or Dotted zero?

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. When using Duffy Script in a web page, it overruns the width of its containing paragraph. You can see the issue in this jsfiddle by making the width of the right-hand pane smaller:

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  10. Why not sort the fonts in order of Unicode compliance when a sample sentence is entered? (I do not need to see the "featured" fonts when most of the characters I actually need are represented by rectangles.)

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  11. It's very sad to see how much Adobe's quality, in all of its products, is decreasing over the time. There are fewer fonts in it's portfolio and have removed fonts that were included in past time.

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    Hi, I work with Syriac fonts academically (e.g. Estrangela, Serto, etc.) and need to:
    1. use them in the Text features in copiable text when working in layers within Adobe Suite Applications (Fresco, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) for scholarly projects to be recognized in all of Adobe suite applications.
    2. I would also like to copy tables with specific dimensions and Syriac text with the ability to process Syriac Text (similar to MSWord Processing) in Adobe Suite Apps including Fresco, Illustrator and Photoshop.

    Here is a link with an example of the fonts (Unicode):,Arabic%20among%20Syriac%2Dspeaking%20Christians.


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  13. I have to re-install fonts multiple times for them to show up on my adobe cloud manager app. Then i need to quit it and reopen multiple times to even prompt the fonts. It's a really terrible system right now.

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  14. When I had the Palomino font in my indesign project it caused the program to stop responding when I tried to export. When I removed the font it exported just fine. So there might be a bug in the font.

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  15. Offer a Braille font in your fonts available to your users. I am a designer, and a very long time user of Adobe products. I design a lot of interior signage and a Braille font is essential to my work. In this day, not offering a ADA approved Braille font is ridiculous and terribly un-PC.

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  16. I would need an medium style of the font Pragmatica. It is available in the condensed version, but not in the basic version. is there a reason why? I would need it as soon as possible.
    Yours Melina

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  17. I would like to be able to search through only variable fonts. At current, searching 'variable' does not show variable fonts.

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    Gumani Medium
    Mukta Ligth - Regular - Semibold
    The company has a new brand book and I can´t install these two fonts in Adobe Express.
    Please help me.

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  19. Is there a LINK between my UPLOADED FONTS on creative clouds, and importing the same font "Name your font here" to my WEB PROJECT in


    Other solution: Can i upload a font to

    So i can embeded it easily on SquareSpace and other website.


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  20. Hallo, sowohl ich als auch meine Kollegen haben regelmäßig Probleme mit der Roboto. Alle paar Tage öffnen wir Dokumente, in denen Roboto verwendet wurde, und Texte werden inkorrekt widergegeben, das heißt anstatt eines normal eingegebenen Fließtext sieht dieser so aus, als hätte man willkürlich irgendwelche Buchstaben keygesmasht.
    Wir alle benutzen Windows 10 und die aktuellste Version von InDesign. Bisher ist der Fehler nur in diesem Programm aufgetreten.
    Behoben werden kann der Fehler nur, indem wir auf der Adobe Fonts Seite die Roboto aufrufen, deaktivieren und erneut aktivieren.

    Ebenfalls besteht der Fehler, dass die Versionen OT beziehungsweise TT scheinbar einen Konflikt…

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