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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback

Welcome to the Adobe Fonts UserVoice! Our product team is excited to develop this page as we begin to receive your ideas and feedback.

You can vote for an existing idea or add your own. When adding a new idea, please include:
  1. Description of the feature or area of product
  2. Why this is valuable to you
  3. If possible, any images or screenshots that help us understand your request
  4. BONUS! What is your occupation, and do you select fonts in your daily workflows?
We look forward to hearing from you!
—The Adobe Fonts team

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Adobe Fonts | Feature Requests and Feedback


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304 results found

  1. If we could have a way to access fonts as WOFF2 this would help with page speed when implementing them on websites. This could compress the file sizes by 30%.

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  2. cowboyslang font keeps giving erros; unable to use the font

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  4. Insert Greek sentence in Sample Text

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  5. I feel I cannot adequately express how much I love the Adobe Utopia font (and its Italic version on particular). I would love to use it on my blog, but unfortunately the Adobe Fonts version lacks support for Central European characters - more precisely a couple of Romanian letters. Since I occasionally write in Romanian, using a font lacking these letters would look ugly and defeat the purpose of using Utopia in the first place. I know there are a couple of open-source expansions of Utopia with Central European characters, but all of them are missing the lovely Th ligature…

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  6. Give high level categories to narrow down search.

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  7. Ich muss häufiger Texte in Mongolisch setzen.

    Es ist immer sehr aufwendig dafür geeignete Schriftarten zu finden, weil es einige Unterschiede zum normalen kyrillischen Zeichensatz gibt, so wie er im Russischen verwendet wird. Auch der ukrainische und kasachische Zeichensatz enthält darüber hinaus noch weitere Zeichen, diese Sprachen kann ich aber bei Adobe direkt anwählen Mongolisch nicht!

    Ich bin immer gezwungen für Mongolisch folgenden Test zu machen:

    Beispieltext: §,$,%,&,ө Ѳ, ү Ү, ъ Ъ, Ертөнцийн, төрөлхтнийг, мөн, хүн, хүүхэд, сайтын

    Da würde ich mir wünschen, dass sich das ändert!

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  8. すべてのフォント > TAGS のそれぞれのタグが、日本語OSの環境では文字化けして読めません。そのため、タグを使っての絞り込みができません。「View more」を押しても表示は化けたままです。同様のバグ報告がありますが、かなり緊急性が高いので早急な修正をお願いします。


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  9. I’d like to see more than X number of fonts at a time when browsing!

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  10. There are some HUGE gaps in Adobe collection, especially since you dropped former "gold-standard" Type 1.

    This is a "wish-list" for OpenType fonts:

    You need to replace some fonts you dropped, others that you never had, fill some gaping basic-stuff holes, flesh-out some families, try to keep things consistantly available, and some of this is simply stuff that would be nice to have.

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    Although support for Type 1 fonts has ended, we have not removed any fonts from our service. Many of the fonts on your list are already included in the Adobe Fonts library as part of your Creative Cloud subscription. 

    If you are looking to replace Type 1 fonts that are not offered in our library, we recommend reaching out to the foundry or their reseller. Further details and recommendations can be found in our help article.

  11. As a project is worked on by several designers from the company, it would be nice if it were possible to download a file to save in the Documents Fonts folder so that, when clicking on this file, it would go directly to activating the font on the page. It could be an xml, for example.

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  12. Thai language is typed and the letters overlap.

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    received  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  13. 1 vote

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  14. Hi, there's something wrong with the Apertura Web Font. When integrated to my website, it bugs in the accent characteres "Í" and "ê".

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  15. ITC Avant Garde Gothic has a more extensive family as a standard. If you are supplying the font it would be nice for you to supply the usual versions Extra thin and Demi Bold rather than only part of the family.

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  16. For many pro users Photoshop comes with a lot of unnecessary variable fonts. It would be nice to be able to control them on a user level and not be forced by Adobe to have them installed. I don't need them and they get in the way.

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  17. Can you provide a way to figure out which font can be used as a substitute for an expiring Type 1 font? Many of my long-term projects use classic fonts like Univers and I'm finding it hard to find a similar substitute.

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  18. I use Adobe fonts in other applications. I wasn't able to edit text because you had decided to turn off my fonts and force me to redownload them without actually telling me. I had to do a whole bunch of troubleshooting because of your lack of communication.

    When you decide to turn off your users fonts, can you please at least email me to let me know? I don't want to have to waste like 45 minutes testing a bunch of stuff.

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  19. The font "Countach" does not work on iOS mobile devices.

    I'm using the recommended method of installing fonts

    It seems to be affecting all iOS versions, not just phone (ipad too).


    • It seems to be iOS specific - iPad + iPhone on both Safari and Chrome show the same issue
    • Android seems unaffected
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    received  ·  1 comment  ·  08. Font bugs  ·  Admin →
  20. While custom fonts can be uploaded and assigned to user groups making sure that whenever they sign into Adobe Creative Cloud that these fonts are loaded and activated this falls show with fonts that are part of Adobe Fonts. (i.e. Source Sans 3)

    Why is this important? While users can enable such fonts on their own ... they will first ask IT support about the missing fonts. We would very much be able to deploy such fonts to so that we can make certain they have all corporate fonts as soon as they log into Adobe CC.

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